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themselves, while the Litanies were sung. The presiding Bishop, rising, took the crosier, and prayed three times for a blessing on the Chosen One; thrice making on him the sign of the cross; and they continued to sing the Litanies; at the conclusion of which they all arose, took their seats and resumed their mitres, Posada alone kneeling before the Bishop.

The Bible was then placed upon his shoulders, while he remained prostrated, and the Bishop rising up, pronounced a solemn benediction upon him, while the hymn of "Veni Creator Spiritus," was sung in full chorus. Then the Bishop, dipping his hand in the holy chrism, anointed the primate's head, making on it the sign of the cross, saying, "Let thy head be anointed and consecrated with the celestial benediction, according to the pontifical mandate." The Bishop then anointed his hands, making in the same manner the sign of the cross, and saying, "May these hands be anointed with holy oil; and as Samuel anointed David a king and a prophet, so be thou anointed and consecrated." This was followed by a solemn prayer.

Then the crosier was blessed, and presented to the elected Archbishop with these words. "Receive the pastoral crosier, that thou mayest be humanely severe in correcting vices, exercising judgment without wrath, &c." The blessing of the ring followed, with solemn prayer, and being sprinkled with holy water, it was placed on the third finger of the right hand, the Bishop saying; "Receive the ring, which is a sign of faith; that, adorned with incorruptible faitli, thou mayest guard inviolably the spouse of God, his Holy Church."