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surprising the guard, and committing the incivility of imprisoning His Excellency the President, Don Anastasio Bustamante, the Commander-in-chief, the Mayor de la Plaza, and other chiefs. Don Gabriel Valencia, chief of the plana mayor (the staff). General Don Antonio Mozo, and the Minister of War, Don Juan Nepomuceno Almonte, re-united in the citadel, prepared to attack the pronunciados, who, arming the lowest populace, took possession of the towers of the Cathedral, and of some of the highest edifices in the centre of the city. Although summoned to surrender, at two in the afternoon firing began, and continued till midnight, recommencing at five in the morning, and only ceasing at intervals. The Colonel of the sixth regiment, together with a considerable part of his corps, who were in the barracks of the Palace, escaped and joined the government troops, who have taken the greatest part of the positions near the Square and the Palace. His Excellency, the President, with a part of the troops which had pronounced in the Palace, made his escape on the morning of the sixteenth, putting himself at the head of the troops who have remained faithful to their colors, and at night published the following proclamation."

"The President of the Republic to the Mexican Nation.

"Fellow-Citizens:—The seduction which has spread over a very small part of the people and garrison of this capital; the forgetfulness of honor and duty, have caused the defection of a few soldiers, whose misconduct up to this hour has been thrown into