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cause of the cruel war now raging, not in the open fields or even in the scattered suburbs, but in the very heart of a populous city.

This morning all manner of opinions are afloat. Some believe that Santa Anna has started from his retreat at Manga de Clavo, and will arrive to-day; will himself swallow the disputed oyster, (the presidential chair) and give each of the combatants a shell a-piece. Some that a fresh supply of troops for the government will arrive to-day, and others that the rebels must eventually triumph. Among the reports which I trust may be classed as doubtful, is that General Urrea has issued a proclamation, promising three hours pillage to all who join him. Then will be the time for testing the virtues of all diplomatic drapeaux. In the midst of all, here comes another

"Address of His Excellency, Señor Don Valentin, Gomez Farias, charged provisionally with the government of Mexico, and of the General-in-Chief of the Federal army to the troops under his command.

"Companions in arms: No one has ever resisted a people who fight for their liberty and who defend their sacred rights. Your heroic endeavors have already reduced our unjust aggressors almost to complete nullity. Without infantry to cover their parapets, without artillery to fire their pieces, without money, without credit, and without support, they already make their last useless efforts. On our side,