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regret of the supreme magistrate at seeing his hopes of restoring peace frustrated, and publishes the assurances of fidelity which they have received from all the departments, especially from Puebla, Querétaro and Vera Cruz, in spite of the extraordinary despatches which had there been received from Farias, desiring them to recognise Urrea as minister of war, and Don Manuel Crecencio Rejon as minister of the interior; "which communications," says the commandant of Querétaro, "produced in my soul only indignation and contempt towards their miserable authors."

The account of the yesterday's affair is as follows. "The pronunciados in the palace, knowing that the infantry which was to come from Puebla to the assistance of the government, was expected to arrive yesterday, endeavored to surprise it near the gate of Saint Lazarus, with a column of infantry of two hundred in number, and some cavalry; but the brave Colonel Torrejon, with eighty dragoons, beat them completely, killing, wounding and taking many prisoners, and pursuing them as far as the Archbishop's Palace. The supreme government, appreciating the distinguished services and brilliant conduct of the aforesaid Colonel, have given him the rank of General of Brigade."

The President in to-day's proclamation, after declaring that "the beautiful capital of the Republic is the theatre of war," says "that nothing but consideration for the lives and properties of the inhabitants has been able to contain the enthusiasm of the soldiers of the nation, and to prevent them from put-