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Plan of the Federalists — Letter from Farias — Signing of articles — Dispersion of the "pronunciados" — Conditions — Orders of General Valencia — Of the Governor — Address of General Valencia — Departure of otir quests — The Cosmopolita — State of the palace and streets — Bulletin of the firing — Interior of houses — Escape of families — Conduct of the troops — Countess del V——e — Santa Anna — Congress — Anecdote — Discussion in Congress — Leprosy.

25th July.

To-day is published the plan which was formed by the federalists for the "political regeneration of the republic." They observe, that it is six years since the federal plan, adopted freely by the nation in 1824, was replaced by a system which monopolizes all advantages in favor of a few; that evils had now arrived at that height, in which the endeavors of a few men, however illustrious, could have no effect in remedying them; rendering it necessary for all Mexicans to unite in one combined and energetic force to better their situation; that salvation can only be hoped for from the nation itself, &c. They then proceed to lay their plan, consisting of ten articles, before the public.

The first restores the constitution of '24, the national interests to be reformed by a congress, composed of four deputies from each state. By the second, the reformed constitution is to be submitted