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and people of the capital, have pronounced for the reestablishment of the federal system, and have, by the most fortunate combination of circumstances, got possession of the palace, and arrested the President. That troops have been passing over to them all day, and that the triumph of the federalists is so sure, he has little doubt that the following morning will see tranquillity and federalism reestablished. The different accounts of the two parties are rather amusing. It is said that Gomez Farias is concealed in Mexico. . . .

8th.—Paid a visit to-day, where the lady of the house is a leper; though it is supposed that all who are afflicted with this scourge are sent to the hospital of San Lazaro. . . . .

We rode before breakfast this morning to the old church of La Piedad, and on our return, found a packet containing letters from London, Paris, New York, and Madrid. The arrival of the English packet, which brings all these nonveantés, is about the most interesting event that occurs here.