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"A happy hit," cried they all.

One was chosen to do the work. A description of the meeting and conversation of these two great leaders is a choice bit of literature of the world of Airess. I will translate it as nearly as possible into English.

Magnate and his companion met Agitator three hours after sun-rise. Neither one had ever seen the other before, and naturally Agitator did not suspect the purpose for which Magnate had come.

"We are here," said Magnate, "to place into your hands one million dollars to be used for the education of poor children. We have confidence in your judgment and integrity, and if you will accept the money on our conditions, we will gladly arrange all papers and place the money at your disposal."

"A magnanimous offer indeed. But what are the conditions," hurriedly asked the blushing Agitator.

"The conditions are easy to meet.

"1. You are to train and appoint sub-teachers and give your influence to the building up of these schools.