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"2. You are to spend your time in this noble work and receive as salary ten thousand dollars annually.

"3. Of course you will be glad to put your whole heart and time into this enterprise and encourage all workmen to show their appreciation of this generous movement in behalf of the oppressed."

"But what would become of my other great work?" asked Agitator, as a well-defined interrogation point covered his face.

"This new enterprise will solve the whole question. Is it not true that ignorance is the cause of nearly all the discontent in the world? If you scatter the clouds of ignorance, with them the darkness of nearly all our woes will fly, and you will stand at the head of a new race, educated, refined, and capable of understanding and securing their rights ten-fold more surely and more intelligently than now."

Agitator was a man of quick mind. He was, however, almost caught in the fine network spun around him. He bowed his head a moment in quietness.

"There is a tinge of truth in your