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tion. The four philosophers fell to the floor, the chief was terrified, the audience looked on in abject terror, while the officers rushed from their post with drawn weapons. All this occurred instantly, and I realized that my words never before had such an effect.

In a moment the chief was at my side and, looking into my face, exclaimed:

"Who are you and why have you remained silent?"

"I am a human being," I replied.

"From what part of our world?"

"I was not born on this world."

"On what world then?" he further asked with increasing surprise.

"On a world called Earth that revolves around a star called Sun." As I was answering these questions many wild sensations were sweeping over the hearts of the assembled nobility.

"How came you to our world?" continued the chief with abated breath.

"On wings invisible."

"For what purpose came you hither?"

"To see your manner of life."

"Will you stay with us forever?"