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"I cannot."

"Have you come to harm us?"

"Not in the least"

The chief in a high state of excitement ordered that I should be unbound.

I smiled and said that I would spare them that trouble. I snapped the bands with such ease that a new fear possessed all of those around me.

I then gave them positive assurance that I would harm no one and urged that all should be silent as I wished to speak a few words to them.

Never before had I a more attentive audience. I addressed them in a natural manner, informing them that I desired to become familiar with a few of their forms and customs of life. I then proceeded to give them a description of the world whence I had come. My audience became enthusiastic and I decided to cease speaking.

The chief, although greatly agitated, still kept his hand on the throttle of the occasion. He waved the surging crowd back, demanded order and at once sent his arrowed questions at me again.