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"Are you not a god?" cried he

"I am only human."

"How could you have such power as to reach our world?"

"That I cannot explain."

"How many people live on your world?"

"One and one-half billion," I answered.

"Are they all pure-minded?"

I answered that I was pained to inform them that many of our inhabitants are wicked.

My listeners were still incredulous as to my identity. They were positive that I was a visiting spirit on a mission of evil or good, and they urged that I should disclose the purpose of my commission.

I re-affirmed my past utterances and, turning to the chief more directly, I informed him that he would see me no more. Then, without pausing another moment, I vanished. As I went, I looked backward to see the mystified countenances of all who were in the room, and then proceeded to visit the surrounding city to examine the system under which it is governed.