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Appendix A

Remember me most kindly to Emily, and I hope it will not be very long before we all meet again at "Clover Hill" and have a drink together of "Lemonade with Ice"—Adieu.

I. V. Williamson.

(½ past 7 P.M. at office)
Philada., Feby. 27, 1879.

My dear Anna Mary:—

Your most welcome letter of 19th Inst., as well as many others of previous dates, have all been reed., and you may be assured have all been highly appreciated. My Conscience smites me when I receive your Letters and think that you are doing all the correspondence for my exclusive benefit, without any return whatever on my part; and can only offer the old and stale excuse, which I fear you are heartily tired of hearing, that I am and have been very busy since I last saw you. I have quite as much or more to do than heretofore, but the great trouble now is that it takes me much longer to do the same amount of business than it required a few years ago; my sight is failing and am getting old; the 4th Feby. was my 76th Birthday. However, my general health is good and has been during the winter; scarcely a day but I have been able to attend to business; for all which I feel extremely thankful. You have kept me posted in regard to the Library and I agree with you fully in regard to the name of the "Hall," which had I been consulted would have objected to decidedly. I think of you all daily and am counting the months, weeks, and even the days, when I shall have the pleasure of seeing you. I have thought a great deal about your suggested visit to "Florida" to spend a