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Appendix A

winter. Wouldn't it be nice, or even as the Boys say, "Bully," for us seven (I mean you and your Papa, Emily, myself, Old Black, Minnie and Grant)[1] to go down there and take a little Cottage to spend the winter. If I had the leisure I think it would be well worth taking into serious consideration. Having a Cottage or even a Log House to ourselves we should be perfectly independent, particularly so as we should have our own Horse, Cat and Dog. In a little over two months now, if nothing occurs to prevent, you will be received every two weeks Letters saying, "Please meet me at Woodburn Station on Saturday P.M.," signed I. V. Williamson.

P.S. Write often and keep me informed of all that is transpiring, as I feel a great interest in all that is going on in "old Bucks."

Yours affectionately,

I. V. W.

  1. "Minnie" was the cat, and "Grant" the dog.