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to me, we went out of the chapel, in order to repair to the house where she resided. Scarcely had we arrived than she retired into her apartment, and fell unconscious. We collected around her, and seeing her in this state we all wept, and feared losing her, whom we loved in the Lord. We had frequently witnessed her in ecstacies which deprived her of the use of the senses, and which weighed down her body, under thanksgiving, but we had never seen her in such a profound suspension of the vital powers. A little after, she came to herself and repeated to me that she was certain, that if God did not come to her aid, she would soon die. I immediately assembled her spiritual children and I conjured them with tears, to ask with united prayers that God would spare us yet a while our beloved Mother and mistress, and not leave us orphans amid the tempests of the world, before we were strengthened in virtue. All promised with generous hearts, and went to her dissolved in tears and said: "O Mother we know that you languish for the presence of your Spouse; but your recompense is secured. Rather take compassion on us; we are yet too weak to be abandoned to the fury of waves. We know that your beloved Spouse refuses nothing to the ardor of your prayers and we entreat you to ask him not to deprive us of your presence yet, because we may be lost if you cease to conduct us. We ask it ourselves with all our strength; but alas I we feel that we are unworthy to be heard; you so ardently desire our salvation, obtain for us what we cannot obtain." She replied to our tears and lamentations: "It is long since I have renounced my own will, and I have no wish for myself nor for others except what God wills. I desire your salvation with my whole soul, but I know that He who is the salvation of all, can secure it