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better than any creature whatsoever; therefore let him will be accomplished in all things. However I will cheerfully ask that he will do what is for the best." On hearing these words we remained in the deepest affliction — but Almighty God despised not our tears. On the following Saturday Catherine sent for me, and said: "It appears to me that the Lord is disposed to grant your petition, and I trust that you will soon be satisfied." All happened as she had said. On the following day, Sunday, after having received holy Communion she fell into an ecstacy, as on the preceding Sunday; but her body, instead of appearing reduced under the divine action seemed on the contrary to resume its vigor. Her companions were astonished at not seeing her suffer as much as in her other ecstacies; she appeared rather to revive and renovate her strength by a natural slumber. I told them, that I hoped according to the promises sh© had made to me yesterday, our tears which had implored God for her recovery, had gone up favorably before God. She was hastening to join her Sponse but it was necessary to retrace her steps, in order to assist us in our misery. In effect, when she resumed her consciousness, she appeared so strong that no one doubted that she had been heard. O Father of mercies ! what wilt thou not do for thy faithful servants and thy beloved children, if thou be compassionate with so much bounty those who have offended thee ! So as to be more certain of what had transpired, I said to her: Mother, do you continue to suffer the same anguish in the wound that you received ? She answered — "The Lord has granted your prayers, to the great regret of my soul. Not only my wounds do not cause my body to suffer, they sustain and fortify it, I see that what formerly weakened me, now relieves me,"