Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/371

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ABDOMEN. The belly.

ABERRATION. A wandering from.

ABEYANT. Absence; suspension.

ABSCESS. A cavity containing pus.

ABSORPTION. The sucking in or taking up of a fluid

by anything. ABSTINENCE. Voluntary privation or self-denial in

diet, etc.

ACCOUCHEMENT. Confinement, lying-in, delivery. ACCRUE. To arise, to be added to. ACETONE. A chemical compound developed in the

body by fermentation of organic matters. ACID. As adjective, sour, tart. As noun, a compound

of the gas, hydrogen, with other substances. ADDENDUM. A thing to be added. ADENOID. A growth that resembles a gland. ADHERENT. Sticking to or grown to a surface. ADIPOSE. Fatty. ADJACENT. Lying near to. ADOLESCENCE. The period between puberty and


ALIENIST. One who treats mental disease. ALIMENTARY CANAL. The digestive tube and accessory glands. ALKALINE. A salt of any kind that effervesces with

acids; the opposite of an acid. ALLEVIATE. To lessen, to diminish, to allay.