Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/372

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AMELIORATE. To make better.

ANEMIA. A deficiency of blood and red corpuscles.

ANEMIC. Pertaining to anemia.

ANAESTHETIC. A substance producing insensibility or unconsciousness.

ANALOGY. Similarity of relations between one thing and another.

ANTISEPTIC. Preventing or destroying putrefaction.

ANUS. The lower opening of the alimentary canal.

APATHY. Deadness of the emotions, want of feeling.

APERIENT. A gentle purgative.

APOPLEXY. Paralysis from rupture of a blood vessel in the brain.

APPENDICITIS. Inflammation of the vermiform appendix.

APPENDIX (VERMIFORM). The worm-shaped appendage to the cecum.


ASPHYXIATION. The condition caused by non-oxygenation of the blood ; suffocation.

ASSIMILATION. The act of absorbing nutriment, and its change into tissue, blood, etc.

ATROPHY. The wasting of a part from lack of nutrition.

AUGMENTATION. The act of increasing.

AUTO-INTOXICATION. Self-poisoning.

AUTOPSY. The examination of a body after death.

AUTO-TOXIN. Any poisonous substance originating within the body.

AXIOM. A self-evident truth.

BACILLI. The plural of bacillus.

BACILLUS. Any one of a genus of rod-like organisms, microscopic in size.