Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/376

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CULT. A system of religious belief.

CURD. The coagulated or curdled part of milk, which

is usually made into cheese. CUTANEOUS. Pertaining to the skin. CUTICLE. The epidermis or outer layer of the skin. CYST. A membranous sack containing fluid.


DEBILITY. Weakness, loss or want of strength.

DECOMPOSITION. Putrefaction, decay.

DEGENERATE. Fallen off from a better to a worse

state ; declined in natural or moral worth. DELIRIUM. Mental aberration due to disease. DELIVERY. Parturition, child-birth. DENSITY. The quality of being close or compact. DENUDE. To make bare or naked. DEPLETE. To reduce, to lessen. DESIDERATA. Plural of Desideratum, a state of things

to be desired. DETERIORATION. The act of reducing anything in

value or quality.

DETRIMENTAL. Causing hurt; injurious. DIAGNOSIS. The recognition of disease from its


DIAGNOSTICIAN. One skilled in diagnosing. DIAPHRAGM. The muscular wall between the chest

and the abdomen. DIARRHEA. Excessive discharge of fluid evacuations

from the bowels.

DIET. Food; a system of feeding. DIETARY. Pertaining to diet; a system of feeding. DIETETICS. The branch of treatment referring to diet.