Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/377

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DIETITIAN. One skilled in dietetics.

DIGESTION. Conversion of food into form suitable for

assimilation. DIGITALIS. Drug made from the poisonous plant,

Foxglove, used as a heart stimulant. DILATE. To enlarge in all directions. DISINTEGRATION. The breaking-up of a body into its

parts. DISLOCATION. A displacement of organs or of the

surfaces of the articulations or joints. DISPARITY. Inequality. DISSECT. To separate the parts of. DISSOLUTION. Death. DOGMA. A doctrine put forward to be received on

the authority of the propounder. DORSAL. Pertaining to the back; as to vertebrae,

those lying between the neck and the loins. DOUCHE. A stream of water directed upon a part. DRASTIC. Powerful, acting with strength. DUCT. A tube to convey a liquid. DUODENUM. The first part of the small intestine. DYSPEPSIA. Impaired or imperfect digestion.


EFFLUVIUM. An exhalation or vapor perceivable by the sense of smell.

e. g. For example.

EJECT. To cast out.

ELIMINATION. The act of expelling, excreting, casting out.

EMACIATED. Thin from loss of flesh.

EMANATION. An effluvium; that which proceeds from

a body.