Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/383

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LIVER. The largest glandular organ of the body, secreting bile.

LOBE. A rounded division of an organ.

LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA. A peculiar form of apparent paralysis with unsteady and disorderly muscular movements.

LONGEVITY. Long life.

LUBRICANT. A substance producing slipperiness, usually an oil or a grease.

LUMEN. The caliber of a tube, afs of the bowels or blood-vessels.

LUNGS. The organs of respiration.


MALIGNANT. Virulent; fatal.

MALNUTRITION. Poor nutrition.

MAMMALS. Animals who suckle their young.

MANDATORY. Containing an order or command.

MANIA. Delirium or madness.

MANIPULATION. Treatmentwith the hands ; handling.

MASSAGE. Manipulation; methodic pressure, friction,

and kneading of the body. MASTICATION. The process of chewing. MASTURBATION. The production of the sexual orgasm

in a manner other than natural. MAXIMUM. The greatest quantity. MEDIUM. That in which anything lives; surrounding


MELANCHOLIA. Depression of spirits ; gloominess. MEMBRANE. A thin enveloping or lining substance. MENOPAUSE. The end of the menstrual life; the

change of life.