Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/384

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MENSES. The monthly flow from the womb.

MENSTRUAL. Pertaining to the menses.

MESENTERY. The membrane which forms the attachment between the small intestines and the abdomen.

METABOLISM. A change in the intimate condition of cells, constructive or destructive.

MICROBE. Any minute or micro-organism.

MICRO-ORGANISM. A minute organism.

MINIMUM. The smallest quantity.

MISNOMER. A mistaken or misapplied name.

MITIGATION. The process of making milder or abating.

MITRAL. Miter-like; applied to the valve situated at the left auricular opening of the heart.

MOBILITY. The property of being easily moved.

MORBID. Not healthy; diseased; pertaining to disease.

MORTALITY. The death rate; the state of being mortal.

MOTOR. Applied to muscles and nerves moving a part.

MUCOSA. A mucus membrane.

Mucus. The viscid liquid secretion of mucus membrane.

MUTATION. The act of changing; change.

MYOPIA. Near-sightedness.

MYOPIC. Pertaining to Myopia.


NARCOTIC. Medicine that produces sleep or torpor. NASAL. Pertaining to the nose.