Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/385

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NAUSEA. Sickness at the stomach; a desire to vomit.

NAVEL. The narrow and deep impression in the center of the abdomen, marking where the fetus was attached to the placenta by the umbilical cord; the umbilicus.

NEUTRALIZE. To render negative or inactive.

NOSTRILS. The two apertures or cavities in the nose which give passage to the air and to the secretions of the nose.

NOSTRUM. A secret formula for a medicine, and the. medicine itself.

Noxious. Harmful; poisonous.

NUTRIENT. A nutritious substance; conveying nutriment.

NUTRITION. The process of assimilation of food.

NUTRITIVE. Affording nutrition.


OBESITY. Fatness; corpulence.

OCCLUDE. To block up.

OMENTUM. A fold of the peritoneum connecting the abdominal viscera with the stomach.

OPIATE. A medicine compounded with opium; a narcotic.

ORIFICE. A mouth or entrance; an opening.

ORTHODOX. In accordance with that commonly held as true.

Os. A mouth; as to the uterus, its opening into the vagina.

OVARY. The organ of generation in the female, producing the ova or eggs.