Page:Linda Hazzard - Fasting for the cure of disease.djvu/386

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OVUM. The female reproductive cell ; an egg. Plural,

Ova. OXYGEN. One of the gaseous elements ; the supporter

of life and combustion.

PABULUM. Food; anything nutritive.

PACK. A moist towel or blanket placed on a patient.

PALPATION. Exploration with the hand.

PANCREAS. A digestive gland in the abdomen; the sweetbread.

PARADOXICAL. Inclined to notions seemingly impossible.

PARALYSIS. Loss of sensation or voluntary motion.

PARASITE. An organism that inhabits another organism and obtains nourishment from it.

PASTEURIZE. To destroy the microbic life by heating the substance.

PELVIS. The bony basin at the lower part of the trunk.

PER. A Latin preposition havine the force of, passage through, by.

PERIOSTEUM. A dense lining membrance covering the surface of the bones of the body.

PERISTALSIS. The worm-like motion of the bowels, causing downward movement of their contents.

PERITONEUM. The membrane lining the inner surface of the abdomen.

PERITONITIS. Inflammation of the Peritoneum.

PERMEATE. To pass through the pores of.

PERNICIOUS. Highly destructive; fatal.