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Most Holy Child Jesus.

know not how soon, be your great Judge, from whom nothing is hidden, who knows you through and through, not only your words and acts, but your most secret thoughts and the hidden motives of your heart.


Thou, O God, hast created me out of nothing, redeemed me by the Precious Blood of Thy only Son, taken care of me until this hour, and loaded me with blessings. I depend each moment for all things upon Thee, who keepest me in being; and yet I have been unmindful of Thee, and have offended against Thee. How many times I have sinned against Thee I know not, nor can I know, unless Thou grantest me Thy light to see myself as I am before Thee. Give me grace to see the state of my soul, and the number and greatness of my sins.

Give me this grace, O Lord, and the grace also to be truly sorry for my offences