Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/14

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The Choir. Kyrie eleison.

Commemorating our most holy, pure, and most blessed glorious Lady, the Mother of God, and ever-virgin Mary, with all Saints, let us commend our selves and each other, and our whole life, to Christ our God.

The Choir. To Thee, O Lord.

The Priest, aloud:

For Thine is the strength, and Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, now, and ever, and to ages of ages.

The Choir. Amen.

And the second Antiphon is sung in like manner by the choir. And the Deacon doth the same as during the first Prayer.

Prayer of the third Antiphon, secretly.

O Thou who hast granted us at this time and with one voice to pray, and hast promised to two or three calling together on Thy name, to grant their