Page:Liturgy of John Chrysostom (1866).pdf/15

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requests, do Thou even now fulfil to their advantage the requests of Thy servants; granting us in the present life, the knowledge of Thy truth; and in the future, bestowing life everlasting.

Then whilst the third Antiphon or the Beatitudes, if it be the Lord's day, are being sung by the singers, when they come to the Glory; the Priest and the Deacon, standing before the Holy Table, make three adorations; then the Priest, taking the Holy Gospel, giveth it to the Deacon. And thus, going out by the north part, with lights going before them, they make the lesser Entrance. And, standing in the accustomed place, they both bow their heads, and the Deacon having said gently, Let us pray of the Lord, the Priest saith the prayer of the Entrance, secretly.

Prayer of the Entrance of the Holy Gospel, secretly.

O Master, Lord our God, who hast placed in heaven ranks and armies of Angels and Archangels, for the ministry