Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/93

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In 1638 the first Lin-coln came to this land from Eng-land and made a home at Hing-ham, Mas-sa-chu-setts. The son of this man was the great-great-grand-fa-ther of A-bra-ham Lin-coln, the 16th Pres-i-dent of the U-nit-ed States, who was born in Ken-tuck-y, Feb. 12, 1809.

Though the first of this name had thrift and lands which came down to each in turn, by the time Thom-as, the fa-ther of our Pres-i-dent, was born there was naught left but strength, health, and a good name. Nan-cy Hanks, the young bride of Thom-as, was born in Vir-gin-ia, and went to her new home in a poor log hut in 1806. The first child of this pair was a girl, Sa-rah; the next was A-bra-ham. The brave young wife did all she could to help in that poor