Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/94

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place. She knew how to use a gun, and would go out and bring down a deer or a bear, and dress and cook it for her own to eat. Then she made clothes, shoes, and head-gear from the skins of beasts.

It was hard work, toil, toil, all the time for this sweet kind moth-er, whose heart was so large and love so great for her dear ones.

In a new log house not far off the life went on for a short time, and then the fa-ther, Thom-as, who was more fond of change than of work, said it would be best to "pull up stakes" and move on to the West, where they would find rich soil and more game.


A frail craft was built and their goods put on it. Then Thom-as went off, but soon got on the snags, and much of his stuff was lost; but he went on his way with what was left, while those at home did the best they could. The poor home had but one bed tick, in which were mere corn husks; on this one bed all slept. There was one i-ron pot