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be his age, a surface of 1.5 square meters (16 English square feet) with a height between decks of about 1.8 meters.

On vessels engaged in coasting trade each pilgrim shall have at his disposal a space of at least 2 meters wide along the gunwales of the vessel.

Art. 95. On each side of the vessel, on deck, there shall be reserved a place screened from view and provided with a hand pump so as to furnish sea water for the needs of the pilgrims. One such place shall be reserved exclusively for women.

Art. 96. In addition to the water closets for the use of the crew, the vessel shall be provided with latrines flushed with water or provided with a stopcock, in the proportion of at least one latrine for every 100 persons embarked.

There shall be latrines reserved exclusively for women.

There shall be no water closets between decks or within the hold.

Art. 97. The vessel shall have two places arranged for private cooking by the pilgrims, who shall be forbidden to make a fire elsewhere and especially on deck.

Art. 98. Infirmaries properly arranged with regard to safety and sanitary conditions shall be reserved for lodging the sick.

They shall be so arranged as to be capable of isolating, according to the kind of disease, persons stricken with transmissible ailments.

The infirmaries shall be able to receive at least 5 per cent of the pilgrims embarked, allowing at least 3 square kilometers per head.

Art. 99. Every vessel shall have on board the medicines, disinfectants, and articles necessary for the care of the sick. The regulations made for this kind of vessels by each Government shall determine the nature and quantity of the medicines.[1] The care and the remedies shall be furnished free of charge to the pilgrims.

Art. 100. Every vessel embarking pilgrims shall have on board a physician holding a regular diploma and commissioned by the Government of the country to which the vessel belongs or by the Government of the port in which the vessel takes pilgrims on board. A second physician shall be embarked as soon as the number of pilgrims carried by the vessel exceeds one thousand.

Art. 101. The captain shall be obliged to have handbills posted on board in a position which is conspicuous and accessible to those interested. They shall be in the principal languages of the countries inhabited by the pilgrims embarked, and show:

  • 1. The destination of the vessel.
  • 2. The price of the tickets.
  • 3. The daily ration of water and food allowed to each pilgrim.
  • 4. A price list of victuals not comprised in the daily ration and to be paid for extra.

  1. It is desirable that each vessel be provided with the principal immunizing agents (antiplague serum, Haffkine vaccine, etc.) [Footnote in original.]