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Article 6

The Contracting Powers shall take measures for the gradual and efficacious suppression of the manufacture, the internal traffic in and the use of prepared opium in so far as the different conditions peculiar to each nation shall allow of this, unless existing measures have already regulated the matter.

Article 7

The Contracting Powers shall prohibit the importation and exportation of prepared opium; however, those nations which are not yet ready to prohibit the exportation of prepared opium at once, shall prohibit such exportation as soon as possible.

Article 8

The Contracting Powers which are not yet prepared to prohibit at once the exportation of prepared opium:

  • a. shall limit the number of towns, ports or other places through which it shall be possible for prepared opium to be exported;
  • b. shall prohibit the exportation of prepared opium to the countries which now prohibit, or which shall later prohibit the importation thereof;
  • c. shall prohibit, in the meanwhile, that any prepared opium be sent to a country which desires to limit the entry thereof, unless the exporter shall conform to the regulations of the importing country;
  • d. shall take measures to the effect that each package exported containing prepared opium shall bear a special mark indicating the nature of its contents;
  • e. shall not permit the exportation of prepared opium except through the agency of persons especially authorized.

Chapter III

Medicinal opium, morphine, cocaine, etc.

Definitions. By medicinal opium shall be understood:

raw opium which shall have been heated to 60 degrees centigrade whether or not powdered or granulated, or whether or not mixed with neutral substances, and which shall not contain less than 10 percent of morphine.

By morphine shall be understood:

the principal alkaloid of opium, expressed by the chemical formula C17H19NO3.

By cocaine shall be understood:

the principal alkaloid of the leaves of Erythroxylon Coca, expressed by the formula C17H21NO4.

By heroin shall be understood:

morphine-diacetylate, expressed by the formula C21H23NO5.