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Chapter I

Raw opium

Definition. By raw opium shall be understood:

The spontaneously coagulated sap obtained from capsules of the soporific poppy (Papaver somniferum), and which shall not have been subjected to any but the processes necessary to the packing and the transportation thereof.

Article 1

The Contracting Powers shall enact efficacious laws or regulations for the control of the production and distribution of raw opium, unless existing laws or regulations have already regulated the matter.

Article 2

The Contracting Powers, taking into account the differences in their trade conditions, shall limit the number of towns, ports or other places through which the importation or exportation of raw opium shall be permitted.

Article 3

The Contracting Powers shall take measures:

  • a. to prevent the exportation of raw opium to countries which shall have prohibited the entry thereof, and
  • b. to control the exportation of raw opium to countries which shall have limited the importation thereof,

unless existing measures have already regulated the matter.

Article 4

The Contracting Powers shall issue regulations to provide that every package containing raw opium destined for exportation shall be marked in such a manner as to indicate its contents, providing the consignment shall exceed 5 kilograms.

Article 5

The Contracting Powers shall not permit the importation and exportation of raw opium except through duly authorized persons.

Chapter II

Prepared opium

Definition. By prepared opium shall be understood:

The product of raw opium obtained by a series of special processes, particularly by dissolution, boiling, heating and fermentation, and which is meant to be made into the form of an extract suitable for consumption.

Prepared opium comprises dross and all other residues of smoked opium.