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their respective salts from their countries, possessions, colonies and leased territories to the countries, possessions, colonies and leased territories of the other contracting powers, shall not take place except in case the persons for whom the drugs are intended shall have received authorizations or permits granted in conformity with the laws or regulations of the importing country.

To this end every government may from time to time communicate to the governments of the exporting countries lists of the persons to whom authorizations or permits to import morphine, cocaine and their respective salts shall have been granted.

Article 14

The Contracting Powers shall apply the laws and regulations for the manufacture, importation, sale or exportation of morphine, cocaine and their respective salts:

  • a. to medicinal opium;
  • b. to all preparations (officinal and non-officinal including the so-called anti-opium remedies) containing more than 0.2% of morphine or more than 0.1% of cocaine;
  • c. to heroin, its salts and preparations containing more than 0.1% of heroin;
  • d. to every new derivative of morphine, cocaine or their respective salts or to any other alkaloid of opium which might after generally recognized scientific investigations give rise to similar abuse and result in the same injurious effects.

Chapter IV

Article 15

The Contracting Powers having treaties with China (Treaty Powers) shall take, on concert with the Chinese Government, the measures necessary for the prevention of the smuggling, as well with respect to Chinese territory as with respect to their colonies in the Far East and the leased territories which they occupy in China, of raw and prepared opium, morphine, cocaine and their respective salts, as well as of the substances indicated in article 14 of the present Convention. On its side the Chinese Government shall take analogous measures for the suppression of the smuggling of opium and the other substances hereinbefore indicated, from China to foreign colonies and leased territories.

Article 16

The Chinese Government shall promulgate pharmacy laws for its subjects, regulating the sale and distribution of morphine, cocaine and their respective salts and of the substances indicated in article 14 of the present Convention, and shall communicate these laws to the Governments having treaties with China, through the intermediary of their diplomatic representatives at