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  • b. statistical information with respect to that which concerns the traffic in raw opium, prepared opium, morphine, cocaine and their respective salts, as well as all other drugs or their salts or preparations aimed at by the present Convention.

These data shall be furnished with as much detail and in as short a time as shall be deemed possible.

Chapter VI

Final Provisions

Article 22

The Powers not represented at the Conference shall be permitted to sign the present Convention.

To this end, the Netherlands Government shall invite, immediately after the Convention shall have been signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers who have taken part in the Conference, all the Powers of Europe and of America not represented at the Conference, to wit:

The Argentine Republic; Austria-Hungary; Belgium; Bolivia; Brazil; Bulgaria; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Republic of Cuba; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Republic of Ecuador; Spain; Greece; Guatemala; Republic of Haiti; Honduras; Luxemburg; Mexico; Montenegro; Nicaragua; Norway; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Roumania; Salvador; Servia; Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; Uruguay; United States of Venezuela,

to designate a Delegate furnished with the full powers necessary for the signing of the Convention at The Hague.

The Convention shall be furnished with these signatures by means of a "Protocol of signature of Powers not represented at the Conference," to be added after the signatures of the Powers represented and indicating the date of each signature.

The Netherlands Government shall give notice every month, to all the Signatory Powers, of each supplementary signature.

Article 23

After all the Powers, as much for themselves as for their possessions, colonies, protectorates and leased territories, shall have signed the Convention, or the supplementary Protocol hereinbefore indicated, the Netherlands Government shall invite the Powers to ratify the Convention together with this Protocol.

In case the signature of all the Powers invited shall not have been secured by December 31, 1912, the Netherlands Government shall immediately invite all the powers who have signed by that date, to designate Delegates to proceed to The Hague to examine into the possibility of nevertheless depositing their ratifications.[1]

  1. See final protocol of July 9, 1913, post, p. 869.