Page:Locomotive mechanism and engineering (1896, John Wiley & Sons).djvu/459

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Orehore’s Mechanics of the Girder. 8 vo, MacCord’s Kinematics. 8 vo, Thurston’s Friction and Lost Work. 8 vo, “ The Animal as a Machine. 12mo, Hall’s Car Lubrication. 12mo, Warren’s Machine Construction.2 vols., 8 vo, Chordal’s Letters to Mechanics.12mo, The Lathe and Its Uses. 8 vo, Cromwell’s Toothed Gearing.12mo, “ Belts and Pulleys.12mo, Du Bois’s Mechanics. Yol. I., Kinematics. 8 vo, “ “ Yol. II., Statics. 8 vo, “ “ Vol. III., Kinetics. 8 vo, Dredge’s Trans. Exhibits Building, World Exposition, 4to, half morocco, Flather’s Dynamometers.12mo, “ Rope Driving.12mo, Richards’s Compressed Air.12mo, Smith’s Press-working of Metals. 8 vo, Holly’s Saw Filing.18mo, Fitzgerald’s Boston Machinist.18mo, Baldwin’s Steam Heating for Buildings.12mo, Metcalfe’s Cost of Manufactures. 8 vo, Benjamin’s Wrinkles and Recipes.12mo, Dingey’s Machinery Pattern Making..12mo, METALLURGY. Iron—Gold—Silver—Alloys, Etc. Egleston’s Metallurgy of Silver. 8 vo, “ Gold and Mercury. 8 vo, “ Weights and Measures, Tables.18mo, “ Catalogue of Minerals. 8 vo, O’Driscoll’s Treatment of Gold Ores. 8 vo,

  • Kerl’s Metallurgy—Copper and Iron... 8 vo,
  • “ “ Steel, Fuel, etc. 8 vo,

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