Abdias, Historia Apostolica, 63
Abraham, Apocalypse, 16 f., 98; Testament, 16 f.
Adam, Apocalypse, Life, Penitence, Testament, 1 ff.
Agathias, 93
Ambrosiaster, 31
Ammianus Marcellinus, 93
Anastasius of Sinai, xii, 7
Anglo-Saxon fragment of Jannes and Jambres, 32; Salomon and Saturn, 41, 51
Antichrist, description of, 57 ff.; prophecy of, 81, 92
Antony, St., Life of, 67
Aphroditianus, 102
Apocalypse; see Abraham, Adam, Baruch, Daniel, Elijah, Esdras, Moses, Paul, Peter, Zechariah, Zephaniah.
Apocrypha, production of, x; modern, xi
Apollonius of Tyana, 2
Apostolic Constitutions, 16, 54, 83 f.
Apuleius, 33
Arendzen, 58
Ark, Noah's, Legends of, 13 ff.
Armenian Lists of Apocrypha, xiii f.; Gospel of Infancy, 10
Artapanus, 32
Ascension of Isaiah. See Isaiah.
Ascents of James, 102
Asenath, Book of, xiv, 25 f.
Assumption of Moses. See Moses.
Athanasius-Ps., Synopsis, xi f.; Story of Melchizedek, 18
Auxerre Cathedral, 11
Babylon, Tale of, 106
Barbelo, 13
Barnabas, Epistle of; quotes Apoc. of Adam, 1; cited. 101; anonymous quotations in, 88 f.
Baruch, 62, Apocrypha of, 77; fragments, ib.; Apoc. of, 103
Basil, Menology of, 70
Bate, H. N., 90 n.
Bee, Book of the (Solomon of Basrah), 72, 79
Berendts on Zacharias, 74 ff.
Bonwetsch, N., 19, 47, 96
Borborite Gnostics, 7, 8
Bourges Cathedral, 11
Bruyne, D. de, 55
Budge, E. A. W., 74, 86
Burch, V., 31, 84 n.
Burkitt, F. C, 49, 84
Buttenwieser, 60
Caleb, 44, 49
Captivity, story of, 106
Catenae, 46; see Nicephorus.
Cave of Treasures, 4
Cedrenus, G., on Adam, 2; Seth, 9; Moses, 42; Hezekiah, 81; story from, 85
Cham. See Ham.
Charles, R. H., 9, 11, 19, 21, 43, 49 ff., 82 ff.
Chrysostom, John, 61; Ps.-Chr. See Opus Imperfectum.
Clement of Alexandria, on Ham, 15; angels, 27; Moses, 43, 44, 48; Ezekiel, 67, 68; Zephaniah, 72; Hystaspes, 93 f.; anonymous quotations in, 54, 88, 90 ff.