Clement of Rome, Epistle, 39, 68; anonymous quotations in, 87 ff.; story of, 86; second Epistle, 39; anonymous quotations in, 88
Clementine Recognitions, 103
Commodian on Lost Tribes, 103 f.
Cyprian on Baruch, 77
— Penitence of, 33
Dähnhardt, Natursagen, 14
Daniel, Seventh Vision in Apocalypse, 59, 70; Life, Passion, Dream-book, 70; LXX version of, 71
Devil, in the Ark, 14; contends with Michael, 44, 46 ff.
Didymus, 43
Dragon slain by Og, 40 seq.
Durham, MS. at, 95
Eisler, Weltemnantel, 16
Eldad and Medad, Book of, 38 ff.
Elias, Elijah, Apocalypse of, 53 ff., 92; Coptic, 59; Hebrew, 60; legends of, 61
Enoch, Vision of, Armenian, xiv; Book of, 11, 27, 29; secrets of, 18
Ephraem Syrus, extract, 34 ff.
Epiphanius on Adam, 7; Eve, 8; Noah, 12; Moses, 48; Elias, 54; Ezekiel, 64 ff.; Ezra, 80; James, 102
Epiphanius-Ps., Lives of Prophets, 61, 68, 71 f.
Esdras, Apocalypses of, 58, 80, 81; 4 Exodus, 64, 79, 89, 101, 103; Esdras, identical with Salathiel, 79 f.; other Apocrypha, 81
Eve, Gospel of, 8
Evodius of Uzala, 45
Ezekiel, Apocryphal, 40, 64, 87, 89, 93; death of, 69, 75
Ezra. See Esdras.
Fabricius, J. A., ix.
Fandana, 98
Fiebig, Gleichnisse, 66
Fire, intelligent, 90 ff.
Gabriel, 76
Gaselee, S., 17 n., 86
Gaster, M., 51, 56
Gelasian Decree, xiii, 1, 31, 33, 40
Gelasius Cyzicenus, 43, 51
Georgius Cedrenus. See Cedrenus.
— Hamartolus, 86 n.
— Syncellus. See Syncellus.
Germanus of Constantinople, 95
Glycas, Michael, on Prayer of Joseph, 24
Grébaut, S., 57
Gregory Nyssen, 67
Guerrier Abbé, 57
Gushnasp, 79. See Hystaspes.
Gushtasp. See Hystaspes.
Habakkuk, Apocrypha of, 70 f.; legends of, 71
Hall, Isaac, 51
Ham, Prophecy of, 15
Harris, J. Rendel, 62, 81, 88
Hell-torments described, 55 ff.
Hermas, Shepherd of, 27, 38, 88, 91
Hezekiah, Testament of, 81 ff.; legends of, 85
Hilgenfeld, A., 88, 92
Hippolytus; quoted, 54, 92
Hystaspes, Prophecy of, 93 ff.
Infancy, Armenian Gospel of, 10
Irenæus, 63
Isaac, Testament of, 17, 91
Isaiah, Ascension of, 24, 49, 54, 82 ff.; a vision of, 56
Ishmael, R., parable, 66
Isidore, heretic, quotes prophecy of Ham, 15
Issaverdens, translation of Armenian Apocrypha, xiv, 52, 77, 81
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