Opus Imperfectum in Matthæum, 10, 69, 82 ff.
Origen on Abraham, 16; Prayer of Joseph, 21 ff.; James, 31; Moses, 43 ff.; Elijah, 53; Jeremiah, 62; Zechariah, 75 f.; the intelligent fire, 90
Orvieto Cathedral, 11
Pagani, 64
Palæa, the, on Moses, 47; Jacob, 96
Papyri, 15, 59
Parables, Rabbinic, 65
Patriarchs, Three, Testaments of, 16; Twelve, Testaments of, see Twelve.
Paul, Acts of, 94; Apocalypse, 69, 73, 74; Epistles of, parallels in Prayer of Joseph, 27 ff.; Apocrypha quoted in, 31, 42, 53, 62
Peeters, P., 10
Penitence of Adam, 1 f.; of Jannes and Jambres, 31; of Cyprian, 33
Persia, Wonders in, 102
Peter, Acts of, 67; Apocalypse, 28, 55, 88, 91, 92
Pherecydes, 15
Philip, Acts of, 69
Philo, Ps.-, 28, 39
Philostorgius, 32, 34, 58
Pirke R. Eliezer, 27, 28, 92
Pistis Sophia, 2, 90
Pliny, 33
Porter, F. C., 26
Prayer of Joseph. See Joseph.
Prayer, titles of books, 25
Pre-existence, 22 ff.
Procopius on Genesis, 23
Prognostics, Books of, 12 n., 81
Protevangelium, 75, 76
Protoplasts, Testaments of, 7
Psellus, Michael, 24
Quæstiones Hebraicæ in Paralipomena, 39
"Queen Mary's Prayer-book," 13, 14
Quotations, Patristic, from Apocrypha, x., 87 ff.
Rabba, Midrash, 27
Raphael, 24
Resch, Agrapha, 54, 87 ff.
Salathiel. See Esdras.
Salomon and Saturn, 41, 52
Samael, 47
Samuel of Ani, xiii.
Sanhedrin, Great, 39
Saphodamuel, Angel, 76
Sarekl, Angel, 28, 97
Sassanidæ, Dispute at the Court of the, 102
Schade, O., 95
Seth, 3, 9 ff.
Severus of Antioch on death of Moses, 45 ff.
Shem, Book of, 12 n.
Sibylline Oracles, xiv, 12, 101
Silvester, St., Acts of, 63
Sixtus Senensis, 18
Sixty Books, List of the, xi f.
Slavonic legends, 14, 76, 108
Sobach, father of Elijah, 69
Solomon, Apocrypha of, 51 ff.; Testament, 28; magical books and cures of, 85. See Solomon.
Solomon of Basrah, 72, 79
Sophonias. See Zephaniah.
Sozomen, 77
Steindorff, 59 ff., 73
Stichometries, xi f.
Strasburg MS., 95
Syncellus, Geo., on Adam, 5 ff.; Moses-apocrypha, 42; Jeremiah-apocrypha, 62, 63
Tablets of Heaven, 23, 29 f.
Tanchuma, Midrash, 27, 39
Tertullian on Adam, 4; Ezekiel, 67; Ascension of Isaiah and Testament of Job, 93 n.; anonymous quotations in, 92
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