Testaments. See Adam, Protoplasts, Abraham, Twelve Patriarchs, Patriarchs Three, Isaac, Jacob, Job, Jesus
Christ, Moses, Hezekiah.
Testament of the Lord, 57, 101
Testament in Galilee, 57
Testimonia, 31, 84 n., 87, 92
Thackeray, H., 53
Thalkon, Thalkonagargael, 99, 100
Theodotion, version of Daniel, 71
Theosophy, the Tübingen, 95
Timotheus of Constantinople, 40
Titus, Epistle of, 55
Toledo Cathedral, 11
Treves, Latin fragment on Antichrist, 57
Tribes, the Lost, 103 ff.
Tubal Cain, 11
Tübingen Theosophy, the, 95
Twelve Patriarchs, Testaments of the, 19 f., 29 f.
Ulm Cathedral, 95
Uriel, 2, 11, 22, 24, 25, 28, 31, 76
Vajoscha, Midrash, 59
Vassiliev, 47
Vincenti, A. von, 52
Wells Cathedral, 11
Wesselovsky, 106
York, glass at, 69
Zacharias. See Zechariah.
Zahn, Theodor, xiii, xiv
Zechariah in Matt, xxvii, 62; Apocrypha of, 74 ff.; invention of, 77
Zephaniah, Apocalypse of, 72 ff
Zerubbabel, Book of, 59
Zoroaster identified with Baruch, 79
Zosimas, Narrative of, 105
Zouche of Parham, Lord, 51
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