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Palestinian-Jewish and Cognate Texts (Pre-Rabbinic)
- Aramaic Papyri. A. E. Cowley, Litt.D., Sub-Librarian of the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
- The Wisdom of Ben-Sira (Ecclesiasticus). The Rev. W. O. E. Oesterley, D.D., Vicar of St. Alban's, Bedford Park, W.; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of London.
- The Book of Enoch. The Rev. R. H. Charles, D.D., Canon of Westminster.
- The Book of Jubilees. The Rev. Canon Charles.
- The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs. The Rev. Canon Charles.
- The Odes and Psalms of Solomon. The Rev. G. H. Box, M.A., Rector of Sutton, Beds., Hon. Canon of St. Albans.
- The Ascension of Isaiah. The Rev. Canon Charles.
- The Apocalypse of Ezra (ii. Esdras). The Rev. Canon Box.
- The Apocalypse of Baruch. The Rev. Canon Charles.
- The Apocalypse of Abraham. The Rev. Canon Box.
- The Testaments of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Rev. Canon Box and S. Gazelee.
- The Assumption of Moses. The Rev. W. J. Ferrar, M.A., Vicar of Holy Trinity, East Finchley.