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FIRST SERIES—continued
- The Biblical Antiquities of Philo. M. R. James, Litt.D., F.B.A., Hon. Litt.D., Dublin, Hon. LL.D. St. Andrews, Provost of King's College, Cambridge.
- Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament. M. R. James, Litt.D.
Now Ready—Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8, 7 and 10 (in one vol.), 9 and 12 (in one vol.), and No. 13.
Hellenistic-Jewish Texts
- The Wisdom of Solomon. The Rev. Dr. Oesterley.
- The Sibylline Oracles (Books iii-v). The Rev. H. N. Bate, M.A., Vicar of Christ Church, Lancaster Gate, W.; Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of London.
- The Letter of Aristeas. H. St. John Thackeray, M.A., King's College, Cambridge.
- Selections from Philo. J. H. A. Hart, M.A.
- Selections from Josephus. H. St. J. Thackeray, M.A.
- The Third and Fourth Books of Maccabees. The Rev. C. W. Emmet, B.D., Vicar of West Hendred, Berks.
- The Book of Joseph and Asenath. Translated from the Greek text (for the first time in English) by E. W. Brooks.
Now Ready—Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7.