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We aungellys xul serve ȝow day and nyght:
  Now fede ȝow therwith in Goddys name.
We xal lerne ȝow the lyberary of oure Lordys lawe lyght,
  ffor my sawys in ȝow shewyth sygnes of shame.

Maria. To thank oure soveryen Lord not sufficyth my mende, I xal fede me of this fode my Lord hath me sent; Alle maner of savowres in this mete I fynde, I felt nevyr non so swete ner so redolent. Angelus. Eche day therwith ȝe xal be content; Aunge alle howrys xal to ȝow apere. Maria. Mercy, my makere, how may this be ment? I am the sympelest creature that is levynge here. Angelus. In ȝour name Maria ffyve letterys we han,— M. Mayde most mercyfulle and mekest in mende; A. Averte of the anguysche that Adam began; R. Regina of regyon reyneng withowtyn ende; I. Innocent be influens of Jesses kende; A. Advocat most autentyk ȝour autecer Anna, Hefne and helle here kneys down bende, Whan this holy name of ȝow is seyd, Maria. Maria. I qwake grettly ffor dred to here this comendacion! Good swete aungel, why wole ȝe sey thus? Aungelle. ffor ȝe xal hereaftere have a salutacion, That xal this excede, it is seyd amonge us; The Deyté that dede xal determyn and dyscus, ȝe xal nevyr, lady, be lefte here alone. Maria. I crye the mercy, Lorde, and thin erthe cus, Recomendyng me to that Godhyd that is tryne in trone.

Hic osculet terram. Here xal comyn alwey an aungel with dyvers presentes, goynge and comynge, and in the tyme thei xal synge in hefne this hympne. "Jhesu corona virginum." And after ther comyth a minister fro the buschop with a present and seyth,

Minister. Prynce of oure prestes, Ysakare be name,
  He hath sent ȝow hymself his servyce in dede;