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Maria. This psalme of proyhesye seyd betwen us tweyn,
  In hefne it is wretyn with aungellys hond,
Evyr to be songe and also to be seyn,
  Every day amonge us at oure evesong.
But, cosyn Elyȝabeth, I xal ȝow here kepe,
  And this thre monethis abide here now,
Tyl ȝe han childe, to wasche, skore, and swepe,
  And in alle that I may to comforte ȝow.
Eliȝabeth. A! ȝe modyr of God, ȝe shewe us here how
  We xulde be meke that wrecchis here be;
Alle hefne and herthe wurchepp ȝow mow,
  That are trone and tabernakyl of the hyȝ Trinité.
Joseph. A! how do ȝe, how do ȝe, ffadyr ȝacharye?
  We ffalle ffast in age withowte othe;
Why shake ȝe so ȝour hed? have ȝe the palsye?
  Why speke ȝe not, sere? I trowe ȝe are not wroth.
Eliȝabeth. Nay, wys ffadyr Joseph, therto he were ful loth,
  It is the vesytation of God he may not speke veryly;
Lete us thank God therffor bothe,
  He xal remedy it whan it plesyth his mercy.
Come and pray ȝow specialy;
I-wys ȝe are welcome, Mary;
ffor this comfortabelest comynge, good God, gramercy!
Joseph. Of ȝour dissese thynkys no greff,
  Thank God of al adversyté,
ffor he wyl chastyse and repreff
  Tho that he lovyth most hertylé.
Mary, I hold best that we go hens,
  We have fer hom withowt fayl.
Maria. Al redy husbond without defens,
  I wyl werke be ȝour counsayl.
Cosyn, be ȝour leve and ȝour lycens,
  For homward now us must travayl.
Of this refreschynge in ȝour presens,
  God ȝeld ȝow that most may avayl.