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Elizabeth. Now, cosynes bothe, Gow ȝow spede, And wete ȝow wele withowtyn mo, ȝour presens comfortyth me indede; And therfore now am I ryght wo, That ȝe, my ffrendys and my kynrede, Thus sone now xul parte me fro: But I pray God he mote ȝow lede, In every place wher so ȝe go.

Here Mary and Eliȝabet partyn, and Eliȝabeth goth to Zakarie, and seyth,

Good husbond, ryse up, I beseke ȝow,
  And go we to the temple now fast
To wurchep God with that we mow,
  And thank hym bothe, this is my cast
Of the tyme that is comynge now;
  ffor now is cum mercy, and venjauns is past:
God wyl be born for mannys prow,
  To brynge us to blysse, that ever xal last.

Contemplacio. Lystenyth, sovereynys, here is a conclusyon,
  How the Ave was mad here is lernyd us;
The aungel seyd "Ave, gratia plena, Dominus tecum,
  Benedicta tu in mulieribus."
Elyȝabeth seyd, "Et benedictus fructus ventris tui."
  Thus the chirche addyd Maria and Jhesus her:
Who seyth oure ladyes sawtere dayly for a ȝer thus,
  He hath pardon ten thowsand and eyte hundryd ȝer.

Than ferther to oure matere to precede,
  Mary with Eliȝabeth abod ther stylle
iij. monthys fully, as we rede,
  Thankynge God with hertly wylle.
A! Lord God, what hous was this on?
  That these childeryn and here moderes to,