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Secundus detractor. Be my trowthe, al may wel be, ffor fresche and fayr she is to syght, And suche a mersyl, as semyth me, Wolde cause a ȝonge man to have delyght. Primus detractor. Suche a ȝonge damesel of bewté bryght, And of schap so comely also, Of hire tayle oftetyme be lyght, And rygh tekyl undyr the too. Secundus detractor. That olde cokolde was evyl begylyd, To that fresche wenche whan he was wedde; Now muse he faderyn anothyr mannys chylde, And with his swynke he xal be fedde. Primus detractor. A ȝonge man may do more chere in bedde To a ȝonge wench, than may an olde; That is the cawse suche lawe is ledde, That many a man is a kokewolde.

Hic sedet episcopus Abiȝachar inter duos legis doctores, et audientes hanc defamationem vocat ad se detractores, dicens,

Episcopus. Herke ȝe, felaways, why speke ȝe suche schame
  Of that good virgyn, ffayr mayd Mary;
ȝe be acursyd so hire for to defame,
  She that is of lyff so good and holy.
Of hire to speke suche velany,
  ȝe make myn hert ful hevy of mood;
I charge ȝow sese of ȝoure fals cry,
  ffor sche is sybbe of myn owyn blood.
Secundus detractor. Syb of thi kyn thow that she be,
  Alle gret with chylde hire wombe doth swelle;
Do calle here hedyr, thiself xal se
  That it is trewthe that I the telle.