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Primus detractor. Sere, ffor ȝour sake I xal kepe cowncelle.
  ȝow for to greve I am ryght loth;
But lest, seres, lyst what seyth the belle,
  Oure fayr mayd now gret with childe goth.
Primus doctor legis. Take good heed, seres, what ȝe doth say,
  Avyse ȝow wele what ȝe present;
ȝyf this be fownd fals, anothyr day
  Ful sore ȝe xal ȝour tale repent.
Secundus detractor. Sere, the mayd forsothe is good and gent,
  Bothe comely and gay, and a fayr wenche;
And feetly with help sche can consent
  To set a cokewolde on the hye benche.
Secundus doctor legis. ȝe be to besy of ȝour langage,
  I hope to God ȝow fals to preve;
It were gret rewthe she xulde so outrage,
  Or with suche synne to myscheve.
Episcopus. This evy talys my hert doth greve,
  Of hire to here suche fowle dalyawnce;
If she be fowndyn in suche repreve,
  She xal sore rewe here governawns.

Sym Somnere, in hast wend thou thi way,—
  Byd Joseph and his wyff be name
At the coorte to appere this day,
  Here hem to pourge of her defame.
Sey that I here of hem grett schame,
  And that doth me gret hevynes;
If thei be clene withowtyn blame,
  Byd hem come hedyr and shew wyttnes.
Den. Alle redy, sere; I xal hem calle,
  Here at ȝour courte for to appere;
And yf I may hem mete withalle,
  I hope ryght sone thei xal ben here.