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Myn reverent sovereyn, and it do ȝow plese,
  Sere Annas, my lord hath to ȝou sent,
He prayt ȝou that ȝe xal not sese,
  Tyl that ȝe ben with hym present.

Cayphas. Sere, telle myn cosyn I xal not fayl, It was my purpose hym for to se, For serteyn materes that wyl prevayle, Thow he had notwth a sent to me. Masangere. I recomende me to ȝour hey degré, On more massagys I must wende. Cayphas. ffarewel, sere, and wel ȝe be, Gret wel my cosene and my ffrende.

Here the masager metyth with the jewges, sayng,

Heyl! jewgys of Jewry, of reson most prudent,
  Of my massage to ȝou I make relacion,
My lord, sere Annas, hath for ȝou sent,
  To se his presens withowth delacion.
Rewfyn. Sere, we are redy at his comawndement, To se sere Annas in his place; It was oure purpose and oure intent, To a be with hym withinne short space. Leyon. We are ful glad his presence to se; Sere, telle him we xal come in hast; No delacion therin xal be, But to his presens hye us fast. Masager. I xal telle my lord this, as ȝe say, ȝe wyl fulfylle al his plesawns. Rewfyn. Sere, telle hym we xal make no delay, But come in hast at his instawns.

Here the masangere comyth to Annas, thus seyng,

My lord and it plese ȝou to have intellygens,
  Ser Cayphas comyth to ȝou in hast: