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Rewfyn and Lyon wyl se ȝour presens,
  And se ȝow here or this day be past.
Annas. Sere, I kan the thank of thi dyligens, Now ageyn my cosyn I wole walk; Serys, folwyth me onto his presens, ffor of thes materys we must talk.

Here Annas goth down to mete with Cayphas, and in the mene tyme thus seyng,

Cayphas. Now onto Annas let us wende, Eche of us to knowe otheres intent: Many materes I have in mende, The wiche to hym I xal present. Primus doctor. Sere, of alle othere thyng remembre this case, Loke that Jhesus be put to schame. Secundus doctor. Whan we come present beforn Annas, Whe xal rehers alle his gret blame.

Here the buschopys with here clerkes and the Phariseus mett, and the myd place, and ther xal be a lytil oratory with stolys and cusshonys clenly be-seyn, lyche as it were a cownsel-hous; Annas thus seyng,

We come, ser Cayphas, and ȝe, jewgys alle,
  Now xal ȝe knowe alle myn entent;
A wondyr case, serys, here is befalle,
  On wiche we must gyf jewgement.
Lyst that we aftere the case repent,
  Of on Cryst that Goddys sone som doth hym calle;
He shewyth meraclys and sythe present
  That he is prynce of prynces alle.

The pepyl so fast to hym doth falle,
  Be prevy menys, as we aspye;
ȝyf he procede, son sen ȝe xalle,
  That oure lawys he wyl dystrye;