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Now, my dere frendys and bretheryn echone,
  Remembyr the wordys that I xal sey;
The tyme is come that I must gon,
  ffor to fulfylle the prophesey.

That is seyd that I xal dey,
  The fendys power fro ȝow to flem;
Weche deth I wole not deney,
  Mannys sowle my spouse for to redem.

The oyle of mercy is grawntyd playn
  Be this jorné that I xal take;
Be my fadyr I am sent sertayn,
  Betwyx God and man an ende to make.

Man for my brother may I not forsake,
  Nor shewe hym unkendenesse be no wey;
In peynys for hym my body schal schake,
  And for love of man, man xal dey.

Here Jhesus and his discipules go toward the mount of Olyvet; and whan he comyth a lytyl ther besyde, in a place lyche to a park, he byddyt his dyscipules abyde hym ther, and seyth to Petyr or he goth,

Petyr, with thi ffelawys here xalt thou abyde,
  And weche tyl I come ageyn;
I must make my prayere here ȝou besyde.
  My flesche qwakyth sore for fere and peyn.