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Petrus. Lord, thi request doth me constreyn; In this place I xal abyde stylle Not remeve tyl that thou comyst ageyn, In confermyng, Lord, of thi wylle.

Here Jhesu goth to Olyvet and settyth hym downe on his knes, and pray th to his fadyr, thus seyng,

O, ffadyr! fadyr! for my sake
  This gret passyon thou take fro me
Weche arn ordeyned that I xal take,
  ȝyf mannys sowle savyd may be.
And ȝyf it behove, Fadyr, for me
  To save mannys sowle that xuld spylle,
I am redy in eche degré,
  The vyl of the for to fulfylle.

Here Jhesus gothe to his dyscipulis and fyndyth hem sclepyng, Jhesus thus seyng to Petyr,

Petyr! Petyr! thou slepyst fast,
  Awake thi felawys and sclepe no more;
Of my deth ȝe are not agast,
  ȝe take ȝour rest and I peyn sore.

Here Cryst goth ageyn the second tyme to Olyvet, and seyth knelyng,

ffadyr in hevyn, I beseche the
  Remeve my peynes be thi gret grace,
And lete me fro this deth fle,
  As I dede nevyr no trespace!
The watyr and blood owth of my face,
  Dystyllyth for peynes that I xal take;
My flesche qwakyth in ferful case,
  As thow the joyntes asondre xuld schake.

Here Jhesus goth aȝen to his discipulis and fyndyth hem asclepe; Jhesus thus seyng, latyng hem lyne,