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Stody now fast on thin excuse,
  Whylys that thou gost in cordys bownde.
Thou kallyst the kyng of this werd rownde,
  Now lete me se thi gret powere,
And save thiself here, hool and sownde,
  And brynge the out of this dawngere.

Leyon. Bryng forth this tretoure, spare hym nowth!
  Onto Cayphas thi jewge we xal the lede.
In many a place we have the sowth,
  And to thi werkys take good hede.

Rufyne. Com on, Jhesus, and folwe me;
  I am ful glad that I the have;
Thou xalt ben hangyn upon a tre,—
  A melyon of gold xal the not save!
Leyon. Lete me leyn hand on hym in heye,
  Onto his deth I xal hym bryng;
Shewe forth thi wychecrafte and nygramansye;
  What helpyth ye now al thi fals werkyng?

Jhesu. ffrendys, take hede ȝe don unryth,
  So unkendely with cordys to bynd me here;
And thus to falle on me be nyth,
  As thow I were a thevys fere.
Many tyme beforn ȝow I dede apere;
  Withinne the temple sen me ȝe have,
The lawys of God to teche and lere,
  To hem that wele here sowlys sawe.

Wy dede ȝe not me dysprave,
  And herd me preche, both lowd and lowe?
But now as wood men ȝe gynne to rave,
  And do thyng that ȝe notwth knove.
Gamalyel. Serys, I charge ȝow not o word more this nyth,
  But onto Cayphas in hast loke ȝe hym lede;